Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Start of Something New

Yup. As cliché as that title sounds, I figure I need to start anew on this blogging stratosphere. Time to dust off the dust that had been building on my keyboard and start writing again. The main reason why I want to do this is to make sure I have enough practice in writing so that I can still maintain an ideal level of proficiency in English language. Others, is to make sure that my opinion counts. Of course, this will not be a thought inducing, mind racing kinda blog. It is more to what I feel people who share the same interest as me need to know. I will not even consider this as a beauty blog because hey, I like to dabble on bigger pond as well. However, I will still include beauty stuffs in my blog because that is what I am interested in right now and hopefully in time, I could share more things with anyone who choose to read this blog. For the time being, I would like to say “please treat me nicely and hopefully, we can be the best buddy."
